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Showing posts from July, 2021

3 techniques To attract love Using the law of attraction.

I'm gonna be sharing with you three techniques for attracting love using the law of attraction now I believe that this post can be the missing link for so many people understanding that the process is more about how we Embody the feeling of love so that that transmits to other people and then we're more likely to attract it So I'm gonna give you tools to in order to do that Gonna Give you a practical understanding that you can actually apply to make it something that is real for you So the first part of it and the number one technique I have is to understand how to embody self-love and how that Transmits to other people now the idea behind this is something that science is starting to prove as well is something that is called mirror Neurons. Which means that when we go out to other people the way that we think is? Literally being and trained with other people and they can feel how you feel about yourself They can in a way pick up on that So the idea is that however you feel...

What to do if a girl look at you !

Introduction - Have you ever had an attractive girl look at you, and you didn't know what to do? If you respond the wrong way, or even too late, your chances to seal the deal could slip away. The first glance canal ready create tension, and it sets the tone before you even start talking to her. So in this video I'm gonna help you capitalize on that crucial moment. and this is what to do if a girl looks at you. Now, it's pretty common for most guys to feel a little bit off-guard when a hot girl looks at them from afar. Especially if they haven't been in the game for a while. Before we go over what to do, I noticed that a lot of dating coaches out there recommend that you act all mysterious and aloof. Like sulking in the corner of a bar some where, as if you expect women to come talk to you. That does not work very well. In fact, most women will find you creepy and will stay away from you. Seriously man, don't give off that serial killer vibe. If she looks at you and ...

17 interesting facts about love.

17 Interesting Facts About Love When you think about love, you may picture picnics in the park,   holding hands and watching the sunset, and living happily ever after.  We all have expectations when it comes to others and love itself. You may even have a   list of things your soul mate should embody. Indeed, love occupies a special place not   only in the human heart but in our minds, our history, and our society.  Let’s have a look at some interesting facts about love!  Number 1 - Butterflies In The Stomach Are A Real, Stress-Related Thing Of course, it’s not actual butterflies, rather your autonomic nervous system.  Anxiety and fear trigger what’s called your ‘fight or flight response’ - an   evolutionary holdover from our more primitive days when we would need to run from a predator.  Maybe unsurprisingly, love triggers a great deal of these same feelings too.  Putting your heart on the line is dangerous, which is...

10 signs that someone misses You.

Hey everyone, and welcome to Top Think. Today, we are going to learn about 10 signs someone misses you. Now, let’s begin.  1. Conversational Excuses How do you know when a past partner has lingering feelings? If your ex still misses you, they may find round-a-bout reasons to get your attention. Texting is a good example. Your ex might send you a message out of the blue, asking a question about something random or insignificant. They might say, “what was the name of that restaurant we liked?” or “which of these two songs do you like better?” Questions like these are excuses to make contact. In other words, your ex is searching for any reason to open a line of communication. They want to talk to you, so they reach out with random topics. They don’t really care what that restaurant was called or which song you like. More often than not, they miss talking to you. They want to get a conversation going, because you have been on their mind. Yes, it would be easier if your ex could be stra...

How to Text a Girl You Like -14 MUST KNOW Rules To Text A Girl

Hello, this is me from  Today I'm going to explain you 14 Expert Tips about how to Text a Girl You Like. It can be hard enough knowing what a woman wants when you’re with her, much less with a few simple characters on your cell phone’s screen. And that’s why it’s so helpful to have a list of tips, from a woman, telling you exactly what to do. So, here’s how to text a girl you like: Guys, the first texts that you send to a girl are extremely important, because it’s these texts that help her determine if she wants to be more than just friends with you. So, be sure to follow each of these three powerful tips closely:    1 - Text her within 24 hours of meeting her. You’ve heard the old-school rule: guy’s should wait 2-3 days before contacting a woman But times have changed, and today, that rule is absolutely ridiculous. And that’s mostly because it has become so much easier to get in contact with someone, and since it’s so easy to pick up your phone and send...

Top 7 CRUCIAL Mistakes Men Make on Dates

Hey, man, have you ever been on a date with a girl and it just went horribly wrong or worse, it went really well, but then she never called you again or she told you there was no connection. That flat out sucks. And chances are you made one of the seven mistakes that I'm about to talk about. And when you stop making these mistakes, not only will you have a lot more successful dates, but you'll also feel a deeper connection with you. She'll be more attracted to you and you'll be more likely to get a second or third date and turn things romantic and intimate a whole lot faster. A lot of guys set up dates that are justway too formal, they take them to really expensive restaurants trying to impress them. But the reality is that it actually hasthe opposite effect because think about it, anybody can take herto a fancy restaurant. But can anybody be as cool and badass as you? I don't think so.So impress her with your personality and by who you are as a man, not by the plac...

5 Things Women Need From You If You Want To Date Her | How to Impress a Girl.

Dating is like a dance between predator and prey. And the thing is, is we actually want to be caught and devoured by the right guy. Just like you guys are looking for certain qualities within a woman,we're also instinctively searching for certain traits within a man to give us permission to give ourselves into him. So, all you need to do is know what those things are, and how to embody them so that you can get her to chase you and want her even more without having to try and convince her. I'm Suraj Gupta from love gallery and in this post, I'm going to give you the five things that women instantly look for when going on a date with a guy. I'm a dating and relationship expert. And it is my aim to educate, you guys, on how to appeal as a more confident and desirable man to any woman around the world. Now, I have spent the last couple of years coaching thousands of women so I know exactly what it is that they want. And I want to give you all of these insights for free. imp...

11 Relationship Goals That Will Make Your Love Stronger.

Human beings are wired to want relationships which are intimate to love and be liked. Whether you’re in a established long-term relationship or in the first wonderful months of the latest love, doing a bit of routine relationship upkeep is just a idea that is good. A good start whilst every relationship is unique, there are a few thoroughly tested practices that may frequently assist in providing virtually any relationship.  Use these relationship goals tips to go level that is next make your relationship stronger. And even for you personally the very first time, ideally they may be a kick off point from which you can be influenced and perhaps utilize as a springboard to use some similar techniques that be right for you along with your partner particularly when they don’t work perfectly. After all, the secret to a relationship that is pleased often nothing more than simply a little bit of work. One of many gorgeous reasons for having relationships is you've got being a couple aren’...