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What to do if a girl look at you !

Introduction - Have you ever had an attractive girl look at you, and you didn't know what to do? If you respond the wrong way, or even too late, your chances to seal the deal could slip away. The first glance canal ready create tension, and it sets the tone before you even start talking to her. So in this video I'm gonna help you capitalize on that crucial moment. and this is what to do if a girl looks at you. Now, it's pretty common for most guys to feel a little bit off-guard when a hot girl looks at them from afar. Especially if they haven't been in the game for a while. Before we go over what to do, I noticed that a lot of dating coaches out there recommend that you act all mysterious and aloof. Like sulking in the corner of a bar some where, as if you expect women to come talk to you. That does not work very well. In fact, most women will find you creepy and will stay away from you. Seriously man, don't give off that serial killer vibe. If she looks at you and ...