Dating is like a dance between predator and prey. And the thing is, is we actually want to be caught and devoured by the right guy. Just like you guys are looking for certain qualities within a woman,we're also instinctively searching for certain traits within a man to give us permission to give ourselves into him. So, all you need to do is know what those things are, and how to embody them so that you can get her to chase you and want her even more without having to try and convince her. I'm Suraj Gupta from love gallery and in this post, I'm going to give you the five things that women instantly look for when going on a date with a guy. I'm a dating and relationship expert. And it is my aim to educate, you guys, on how to appeal as a more confident and desirable man to any woman around the world. Now, I have spent the last couple of years coaching thousands of women so I know exactly what it is that they want. And I want to give you all of these insights for free.
impressions on first dates - This is really important because you want to make sure that you know exactly what it is that she is looking for so that you can tap into it and get the response that you want. Ok, so I did a little bit of research out there apart from coaching all these women around the world, I also created a poll. And I wanted to know what it is that women really look for and what it is that they're attracted to in order to be able to say "yes" to a date or "yes" to another date with the guy. So, I encourage you not to rush over this and to really take notes.
So, let's jump straight into those Top Five Things, right now.
5 - Confidence Now, before you switch off and think; yeah, yeah, confidence, confidence
I hear this all the time. Guys, you're here for a reason. Confidence to us is sex appeal to you. You see we really desire and are attracted to men who have confidence. Now, let's not confuse confidence with ego. If you want to come on a date and you've got ego attached to who it is that you are and what it is that you want to push on us with your own agenda and things like that, then it's actually going to be a turn-off.Confidence to us, is more about representing that, you know, who you are that you have direction in your life. Therefore, we get this sense that you're able to also lead us. Instinctively us, as women really are attracted to men who are confident because it makes us feel more safe. It makes us believe that you're able to control a situation. And it really helps us step into who we areas women.
Now, I'm even going to go as far to say that confidence to us is more important than looks. In fact, women are more likely to go on a date with a guy who maybe isn't typically as good-looking. If he exudes confidence as opposed to a guy who is really good-looking but it just doesn't have the same sort of confidence about him. And the reason why I have mentioned this one, first, because it really is the first thing that we are absolutely drawn to. If you are walking into a room and you're able to hold your own self, you have body posture, and an energy that exudes the fact that, you know, that you are worthy and you know who it is that you are and that you don't have to prove anything to anyone, then we are actually going to be drawn to you.
It's crazy! Confidence to us is like a massive magnet. Now, if you haven't downloaded our confidence cheat sheet, then I recommend that you just stop right now and you do that because if you can master being a confident man in life,as he's not having to prove anything to anyone but just really understanding how to exude confidence even if you don't feel confidence while you're slowly building that affirmation within yourself, then, it is literally going to change the dating game for you.
4 - Decisiveness Can I just say this, guys? There is nothing sexier than a man with a plan.
A man who is able to actually take control and make a decision and have some sort of direction about his life, about that date, about what he's doing tomorrow, is a man that makes us believe that he has the future in mind. You see, us, women we really want to be led. We are drawn to men who are able to step up and show those qualities of being able to be a leader. What this does is actually trigger a response within as women to follow you and to be led by you and to almost be that damsel.
It's not to say that we want you to be a hero. Trust me, women want but more than a hero. This is about you showing us, women, that you're able to take control of a situation that you're able to be decisive about what it is that you want. And that way, that really makes us feel safer in your presence. When it comes to right now, on the day but also what could happen later on down the track. A great way to really show that you're a man with the plan is to really put some thought into the date. Don't just ask her what it is that she wants and be wishy-washy about everything.
Make sure that your answers and your responses have some sort of finality to them, okay. Now, obviously, you don't want to be coming across too pushy and you don't want to becoming across too controlling. At the same time, if you're able to already organize everything, whether it's the restaurant, the order, the wine, you know, kind of step into that role of being the one to lead, the way that the date is going, honestly, we are going to be swimming.
3 - Now this is a big one. Besides confidence, I would have to say that this one is probably one of the biggest ones that we actually really want. And that is Security.
We need to know that we feel safe in your presence, not only safe to be who it is that we are as a woman without fear of being compared to another woman, but also safe that you are going to take advantage of us, that you're able to protect us. We, as women always have this kind of nurturing side to us and part of that nurturing element within us means that we're actually earning to know that the men that we have in our life are able to take care of us.
I'm not talking about "taking care of us financially," I'm talking about the fact that if there's danger in there, you're able to step up and defend us. Now, this doesn't mean that you're going aggressive and you have to turn into a super hero, put on your ninja moves or anything like that. Guys, you can make a woman feel safe simply by the way that you respond to the environment that you take her to, also choosing the safe environment and also by listening to what she says and really kind of identified when she starts to look anxious about something and putting her mind at ease.
Simple ways to make her feel safe is also by standing next toher so that you can actually feel your energy if you're in a situation where, maybe, there's a lot of other guys around or maybe, it's a little bit of a rowdy crowd. Another way to make her feel safe is simply by asking her "Are you okay?" "Do you want to go somewhere else?" "Is this alright?" By actually putting her concerns first, she's really going to feel, not only prioritized, but also valued. And you know what guys? That is a major thing that we want to know, that we're able to actually have from you on the very first date. If we don't feel safe in your presence because you're either too intimidating or you're comparing us against other women, or you'll just have no concern for our sort of safety in the environment that you've taken us, then chances are you'll never hear from us ever again.
2 - Listening Skills.
Look, we all know that we, as women can talk and talk and talk and talk and talk. It is science! We talk something like 13,000more words than you guys every single day. You can't beat it. So you might as well just know how to accommodate it and use it to your advantage. And the waythat you use lots of our talking to your advantage is simply by sitting back and listening. Now, this isn't about being a passive listener and just going. This is about actually actively listening and using what it is that we're saying to be able to, somehow, woo us with that later on down the track.
What I mean by this is if she says to you "Oh I've got family," "I've got brothers and sisters," you might say up "What are their names?" and then she can go into a story. If you want to really show that you're actively listening, then ask questions. Now, the good thing is because you're actually being present in that conversation and you are asking questions, you're actually going to retain what it is that she's saying a little bit more. Not to mention get to know more about her and then you're able to use whatever information it is that she's feeding you on say other dates. For instance, if she mentions that she is allergic to fish, you know, if the next day don't take her to a seafood restaurant.
Or if she mentions that she really loves a certain flower, then maybe, the next day you want to actually bring a sunflower because that's her favorite flower. When you, guys, listen to use specially from the first date, because that is when we're really starting to get to know whether or not we want to go on a second date with you, it signals to us that you are making us a priority. And once again, that you are valuing who it is that we are and what it is that we have to say. It makes us feel excited, and it actually sets you apart from other guys out there. And lastly,
1 - the big one, Chivalry.
Oh yes, that's right! Romance is not dead, guys. And don't think that you can get away with not romancing us. We are women, we crave that. I'm just gonna be honest; it doesn't really seem that there are a lot of gentlemen out there in the world and if you really want to set yourself apart from all the other guys out there and all the other competition, then come across as a true gentleman. You see, when you're dating a woman it's not about getting to second base as fast as you can.
If you really want to actually start to accelerate and escalate that relationship or that date, then I can guarantee you're actually going to get there faster if you act like a gentleman as opposed to a man that just kind of wants to see quick the Lord of thing. A gentleman is someone who is kind and considerate, a gentleman is someone who maybe doesn't swear as much. A gentleman is someone who opens the car door, who pulls out the chair, who pays for the bill. Man, if you're not paying for the bill on the first date, I'm sorry but I would actually tell all of these women not to date you. The reason why is not about us, taking your money; it's not about us, trying to use you or take advantage of you. It's actually an opportunity for you to be able to step up and show that you're able to really take care of her as the woman and be a gentleman.
Now, I know that we live in a day and age where we've got feminism and it's kind of like, "Well, if I do this, you should think I'm gonna come across as weak, you know" and it's just all really kind of confusing. You know, women still, even no matter what the changes are out there, have this desire within them which is triggered by certain actions within a man. So if you are really wanting to be with a woman who is able to respond to you being a gentleman, then the only way you're going to know is if you actually put those actions into place. Chivalry will never go out of style and I promise you guys that the more that you actually start to invest in wooing your lady, old-school calling her, showing that you as someone who was able to just take it slow and really make her feel special, then hands-down, she's gonna be eating out of your hands.
The thing is,guys, tapping into what it is that we really crave as women is actually going to make us want to have a second date with you. It's going to make us want to tell our girlfriends about you, our mom, our doctor, our dog, everyone, because that's what we do. We talk to the people in our world when we're really crazy about a guy. So if you want to leave her at the end of the night, really desiring you, and being crazy about you, and thinking about you, because you actually really like her as well, then I promise you, if you put these five things into place, you are going to make an awesome impression on her. Now, of course you want to make sure that the date is constantly progressing to a level where it's getting beyond platonic, where you're able to feed that chemistry, where you're able to show that you can take control and make a decision and lead the relationship or the date in the way that you want it to go.
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