Hey, man, have you ever been on a date with a girl and it just went horribly wrong or worse, it went really well, but then she never called you again or she told you there was no connection. That flat out sucks. And chances are you made one of the seven mistakes that I'm about to talk about. And when you stop making these mistakes, not only will you have a lot more successful dates, but you'll also feel a deeper connection with you. She'll be more attracted to you and you'll be more likely to get a second or third date and turn things romantic and intimate a whole lot faster. A lot of guys set up dates that are justway too formal, they take them to really expensive restaurants trying to impress them. But the reality is that it actually hasthe opposite effect because think about it, anybody can take herto a fancy restaurant. But can anybody be as cool and badass as you? I don't think so.So impress her with your personality and by who you are as a man, not by the plac...
Title: Relationship Goal Advice, Love Quotes, and Breakup Quotes | Canyouloveme69