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How to Text a Girl You Like -14 MUST KNOW Rules To Text A Girl

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Today I'm going to explain you 14 Expert Tips about how to Text a Girl You Like. It can be hard enough knowing what a woman wants when you’re with her, much less with a few simple characters on your cell phone’s screen. And that’s why it’s so helpful to have a list of tips, from a woman, telling you exactly what to do. So, here’s how to text a girl you like: Guys, the first texts that you send to a girl are extremely important, because it’s these texts that help her determine if she wants to be more than just friends with you. So, be sure to follow each of these three powerful tips closely: 


1 - Text her within 24 hours of meeting her. You’ve heard the old-school rule: guy’s should wait 2-3 days before contacting a woman But times have changed, and today, that rule is absolutely ridiculous. And that’s mostly because it has become so much easier to get in contact with someone, and since it’s so easy to pick up your phone and send her a few words, she thinks: If he’s interested in me, why wouldn’the get in touch with me more quickly? So, send a text within 24 hours, otherwise she’ll think you’re not interested.

2 - Use her name. Immediately jumping into calling a girl anick name, can be off putting. Instead, it’s better to start things off somewhere comfortably between formal and casual, so in your first texts, simply calling her by her name is the safest way to go. 

3 - Remind her of something that happened when you met. In your first few texts, you don’t want to send her something boring, and unoriginal, like:“Hey it’s Ryan” or “Hey how are you?” Instead, send her something interesting, by reminding her of the night that you met, like: “Last night was so fun! You’re a maniac on the dance floor!” 

4 - Use proper grammar. Do you still text like you used to back in high school? You know what I’m talking about: Using the number 2 instead of T-O, or using the letter “Y” instead of “W-H-Y”. Texting with improper grammar is a big turn off to a girl because it shows you’re too lazy to do even a simple task like writing out a full word. It takes less than a second to spell out the word, but it makes all the difference. Equally as important are those texts you send right before you ask her out, because otherwise, she’ll get bored before you can even ask her out.. How do you do that? Pay close attention to these must-know things: 

5 - Text her the same way she texts you. For an easy way to figure out how to text this girl, look at how she’s texting you: How many emoji’s does she use? How long are her texts? How often is she texting you? Mirroring how she‘s comfortable texting you, is a great, and safe, way to text her. 

Related post - Deep Questions That Will Strengthen Your relationship Connection, Regarding childhood, about love, values, goals and motivation, life events, regarding stress.

6 - Text with a purpose. Think about it the whole purpose of texting a girl is to eventually go on a date with her, right? So, don’t send random, pointless texts, because if the conversation isn’t going anywhere, either she’ll lose interest or she’ll think you’ve lost interest. Instead, send texts that compliment her, entertain her, and keep the conversation going. 

7 - Make her wait to hear from you. Because women want a man with better things to do than sit around waiting for her next text, you shouldn’t always immediately text her back. Now, this doesn’t mean you should be rude, but give it some time before texting her back.

8 - Send her exciting pictures of whatyou’re doing. Alright guys listen up: A woman wants her man to have a life outside of their relationship and the reason why is simple: It shows that he is someone interesting tobe around. So show her your interest and send her pictures of you doing your manly hobbies.

9 - Remember things she tells you about herself. One of the most important things to a woman is to know that her man is listening to her. It’s a simple thing, but it makes her feel appreciated and loved. Let her know that you hear her by either bringing up something she’s mentioned in the past, or by asking questions about something she has said, in order to have a deeper conversation. So you’ve asked her out, and she said yes? Congratulations! But guys, this is where most women get hugely turned off by a guy’s text. Why? Because this is where a lot of guys get careless in the texts that they send. But it’s easy to avoid that by following these tips:

10 - Don’t rely only on teasing her to keep her attention. Guys here’s the thing... Girls will eventually think men are cowards if they always hide their feelings behind teasing. And at some point she will want you to man up and tell her things like, “You’re pretty”, “You’re so smart”,or “I like being around you”.

11 - Show her your good traits instead of telling her them Do you like listening to people brag about themselves? Of course you don’t, and neither do women. So instead of bragging and telling her these things, show her, by sending her texts like: “I finished my book last week and can’t find a new one, any suggestions?”

Top related topic - Things Women Need From You If You Want To Date Her | How to Impress a Girl.

12- Joke with her, but not inappropriately. While it’s important to show her you have a sense of humor, telling inappropriate jokes will make you look like a immature, crude man. What are inappropriate jokes? Avoid anything that’s racist, sexual, insulting,or overly mean.

13 - Don’t constantly text back and forth,when you can just call. As you two get closer, you’ll end up spending less time texting, And more time talking on the phone or physically together in person. And at a certain point, a girl will get confused why you’re constantly texting her instead of just calling. So when it’s time, instead of sending, “What’sup? I’m just chillin at home.” Be a man, pick up the phone, and call her.

14 - Don’t suddenly stop texting her. We’ve all done it before: you’re walking into the gym, a meeting, or a bar to meet a buddy, and you suddenly stop sending text messages. Normally, this is fine, but if you’ve been quickly texting back and forth, the sudden silence is confusing, especially in the beginning of a relationship. So instead, be polite, and let her know what’sgoing on, for example: “Just got to the gym! I’ll text you later.” That’s exactly how to text a girl you like.


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