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3 techniques To attract love Using the law of attraction.

I'm gonna be sharing with you three techniques for attracting love using the law of attraction now I believe that this post can be the missing link for so many people understanding that the process is more about how we Embody the feeling of love so that that transmits to other people and then we're more likely to attract it So I'm gonna give you tools to in order to do that Gonna Give you a practical understanding that you can actually apply to make it something that is real for you So the first part of it and the number one technique I have is to understand how to embody self-love and how that Transmits to other people now the idea behind this is something that science is starting to prove as well is something that is called mirror Neurons. Which means that when we go out to other people the way that we think is? Literally being and trained with other people and they can feel how you feel about yourself They can in a way pick up on that So the idea is that however you feel...