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5 Things Women Need From You If You Want To Date Her | How to Impress a Girl.

Dating is like a dance between predator and prey. And the thing is, is we actually want to be caught and devoured by the right guy. Just like you guys are looking for certain qualities within a woman,we're also instinctively searching for certain traits within a man to give us permission to give ourselves into him. So, all you need to do is know what those things are, and how to embody them so that you can get her to chase you and want her even more without having to try and convince her. I'm Suraj Gupta from love gallery and in this post, I'm going to give you the five things that women instantly look for when going on a date with a guy. I'm a dating and relationship expert. And it is my aim to educate, you guys, on how to appeal as a more confident and desirable man to any woman around the world. Now, I have spent the last couple of years coaching thousands of women so I know exactly what it is that they want. And I want to give you all of these insights for free. imp...