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Showing posts with the label how to attract a girl who doesn't like you

5 Signs a Girl Doesn't Like You - Clear Signs Every Man Should Know.

Let's answer one of the men's most asked questions- "Does she like me?" That's right. Today, we'll help you figure out signs a girl doesn't like you.  And since we don't want you missing out on a potential match, we'll also be sharing one really obvious sign a girl is actually into you. Curious yet? Of course, you are! Let's get started.  5. Her Manners Tell YouAnd by manners, I meant her body language and mannerisms when she's around you. Just like most guys, some girls may find it hard to let you down right there and then so you have to learn to read between the lines. When a girl likes you, her gestures and subtle movements will always be towards you. There are 3 major body language signs to watch out for. and when we talk about eye contact. A study headed by Stephen Janik and RodneyWellens at the University of Miami in Researchers in Florida found that we focus 43 percent of our attention on a person's appearance eye. And women hav...