The Great Debate: Should You Stay Friends with an Ex? Can former lovers truly become friends? It’s a question as old as time and continues to spark heated discussions and divided opinions. Some swear by the possibility of maintaining a platonic bond with an ex, while others view it as a recipe for disaster. So, let's dive into the complexities of this age-old dilemma. The Case for Friendship Shared History: You've built a significant history with this person. There's a shared understanding and comfort level that can be hard to replicate. Closure: Maintaining a friendly relationship can provide closure and prevent lingering resentment. Mutual Growth: Both individuals have evolved since the breakup. A friendship can offer a chance to reconnect and appreciate each other in a new light. The Case Against Friendship Unresolved Feelings: If there are still lingering feelings of love, jealousy, or possessiveness, friendship might be a path to heartbreak. Emotional Baggage: Ol...
Title: Relationship Goal Advice, Love Quotes, and Breakup Quotes | Canyouloveme69