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10 signs that someone misses You.

Hey everyone, and welcome to Top Think. Today, we are going to learn about 10 signs someone misses you. Now, let’s begin.  1. Conversational Excuses How do you know when a past partner has lingering feelings? If your ex still misses you, they may find round-a-bout reasons to get your attention. Texting is a good example. Your ex might send you a message out of the blue, asking a question about something random or insignificant. They might say, “what was the name of that restaurant we liked?” or “which of these two songs do you like better?” Questions like these are excuses to make contact. In other words, your ex is searching for any reason to open a line of communication. They want to talk to you, so they reach out with random topics. They don’t really care what that restaurant was called or which song you like. More often than not, they miss talking to you. They want to get a conversation going, because you have been on their mind. Yes, it would be easier if your ex could be stra...