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Showing posts with the label psychological facts about male attraction

15 Interesting Psychological Facts About Attraction.

One saying that we hear constantly is “beauty lies in the eyes of the be holder.” But when we think about that concept and what it really means, can we bring our selves to completely believe that it’s true? What exactly influences our decisions when it comes to choosing a partner? The intriguing world of attraction is one we all wish was easy to understand. Fortunately, as science has evolved, it has provided us with some answers to these questions. Not only can understanding attraction help us progress in our relationships, but it also helps us understand ourselves as individuals, and how we feel and process our thoughts. Attraction plays a very significant role in life, in order to keep propagating our species, and this list highlights some of the most interesting facts about attraction and its mysterious secrets. Number 1 - Different Scents Ignite Different Levels of Attraction Scientists have uncovered that smell plays a very significant role in understanding attraction. But one t...