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Showing posts with the label Psychology facts about love

17 interesting facts about love.

17 Interesting Facts About Love When you think about love, you may picture picnics in the park,   holding hands and watching the sunset, and living happily ever after.  We all have expectations when it comes to others and love itself. You may even have a   list of things your soul mate should embody. Indeed, love occupies a special place not   only in the human heart but in our minds, our history, and our society.  Let’s have a look at some interesting facts about love!  Number 1 - Butterflies In The Stomach Are A Real, Stress-Related Thing Of course, it’s not actual butterflies, rather your autonomic nervous system.  Anxiety and fear trigger what’s called your ‘fight or flight response’ - an   evolutionary holdover from our more primitive days when we would need to run from a predator.  Maybe unsurprisingly, love triggers a great deal of these same feelings too.  Putting your heart on the line is dangerous, which is...