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What to do if a girl look at you !

Introduction - Have you ever had an attractive girl look at you, and you didn't know what to do? If you respond the wrong way, or even too late, your chances to seal the deal could slip away. The first glance canal ready create tension, and it sets the tone before you even start talking to her. So in this video I'm gonna help you capitalize on that crucial moment. and this is what to do if a girl looks at you.

Now, it's pretty common for most guys to feel a little bit off-guard when a hot girl looks at them from afar. Especially if they haven't been in the game for a while. Before we go over what to do, I noticed that a lot of dating coaches out there recommend that you act all mysterious and aloof. Like sulking in the corner of a bar some where, as if you expect women to come talk to you. That does not work very well. In fact, most women will find you creepy and will stay away from you. Seriously man, don't give off that serial killer vibe. If she looks at you and you wait too long, it can seriously kill the mood. And it can make you seem like you're too afraid to even talk to her.

And please don't do the in famous sending her a drink from the bartender. "Hey this is from that guy over there." But I really don't recommend doing that. At least not on the initial approach.Waither: "This drink is from the gentleman over there." Matt: Now, most of the time when a girl looks at you, that means she's interested in you. So that's a great start. All you need to dois capitalize on the situation. First, make sure to look back. Women love a man of action. Alpha males are what attract women the most, so take charge and control. Women don't usually make the first move. Men do. She's looking at youto make sure that you get the message. When you've caught her looking at you, look back without hesitation.

Now, if she looks away before you get the chance tomake eye contact, keep looking for just a few seconds to catch her attention. It's important that she knows that you noticed her. The beauty is that looking back can create sexual tension. And that's before any words have even comeout of your mouth. Make sure you maintain dominance when you're looking back, don't act all meek and stare at the floor. If she stares back, keep looking at her. Asif you're enjoying each other and enjoying the moment. Even before you get near. Now that you've caught her attention, make sure you smile at her. Simply looking at someone smile literally brightens up your day. A chinup, confident smile is the way to go. It actually gives her comfort. And shows her that you're a fun guy to be with. When you're looking back at her, the moment she notices, give her the best smile you have.

One that says, "Hey, let's have some fun." You can also look away and smile for a moment, then look back at her. This brings a certain allure and mystery. While at the same time acknowledging that you're going to approach her and would like to know her better. Here are also some things you should not do: Avoid a creepy nodding smile, or cheesy smirk. And please don't frown thinking it's cool to feel entitled. Women hate that. Don't try too much to force the smile either. Just relax. Make sure it comes natural, as if you appreciate her looking at you and you're enjoying every moment. Whatever you do, don't do this. A good way to know your perfect Smile isto practice every day in the mirror.

Go ahead, it actually helps. Next, I want totalk about establishing eye contact. Confidence dictates control. When you look at a woman, always maintain eye contact. Even before the conversation starts. Check her reaction. The moment you look back and she notices, lock eye simmediately. Keep at it if she's doing the same. It's actually a very enjoyable stare down especially after you've thrown the perfect smile at her. If she looks back quickly, that usually means one of three things: She got creeped out, or she's the shy type, or she's playing hard-to-get.

Women play hard-to-get all the time, so whatever you do, don't give up yet. If you think she's the shy type, then give her enough time to adjust. Turn it down a notch, but don't wait too long to approach or you might lose your chance. I actually have a whole video on how to deal with shy girls and I'll go ahead and put that link down in the description. By the way, if you haven't subscribed to our channel yet, go ahead and do that right now. Hit that subscribe button. Now if you think she's playing hard to get, then by all means keep the confidence up and take control. And remember to focus on her eyes. It can be a total turn off if you're staring down at her body, rather than her face. "Up here, Michael, up here!" , Now taking all the previous tipsinto consideration, approaching her is the best part.

Remember, a woman looking at you is an invitation. Women don't make the first move, men do. Instinctively, women go for the aggressive and assertive man. Because that's exactly what they look for in males. Security. And if you're sloppy and slow, that looks like a weakness and a turn-off. When women throw out the signal, men that make the move are instantly more attractive. Remember that body movements are important. Walk tall with a straight back and your head up. No slouching, orlooking at the ground. And keep the eye contact when it's already established. Now let's talk about opening the conversation the right way.

Now you probably already have that girl all excited even before you start talking toher, and that's great. When you approach her make sure to keep the confidence upand start out strong. Here are a few good opening lines: "Hey, I don't think we've met yet, I'm Matt." "Nice to meet you!" "Hi ,you know you can't just look at me like that without at least saying hi. Hi." "Hi there, I'm suraj by the way." So remember man, an attractive girl looking at you from afar can mean many things, but one thing is for sure. Be a man, look back, and then make your move. She'll appreciate that, and you'll probably thank me later. Now that you've made your move, what do you do next? Well a lot of guys struggle with keeping the conversation going, and knowing what to say to spark attraction. 


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