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Showing posts from August, 2021

5 Signs a Girl Doesn't Like You - Clear Signs Every Man Should Know.

Let's answer one of the men's most asked questions- "Does she like me?" That's right. Today, we'll help you figure out signs a girl doesn't like you.  And since we don't want you missing out on a potential match, we'll also be sharing one really obvious sign a girl is actually into you. Curious yet? Of course, you are! Let's get started.  5. Her Manners Tell YouAnd by manners, I meant her body language and mannerisms when she's around you. Just like most guys, some girls may find it hard to let you down right there and then so you have to learn to read between the lines. When a girl likes you, her gestures and subtle movements will always be towards you. There are 3 major body language signs to watch out for. and when we talk about eye contact. A study headed by Stephen Janik and RodneyWellens at the University of Miami in Researchers in Florida found that we focus 43 percent of our attention on a person's appearance eye. And women hav...

5 Little Ways To Attract Women: The Unexpected Power Of Pulling Back!

welcome to Love gallery. Today, with the help of some source and surveys, we’ll tell you How to attract a woman in 5 little ways.  And since we want you to see those signs of attraction in your crush, We’ll also tell you the number one thing that you shouldn’t do if you want to attract a woman. Let’s not wait any longer. Let’s dive in.  5. What A Mystery If you want to make any woman want you, be mysterious. We talked about this in our posts On how to get girls to chase you. You have to learn to say less than you really have to. If you know to not show everything about you right away, then women will be interested and Curious. This is the first kind of pulling back that you need to know. Lying low is one of the ways of pulling back to reignite attraction. If you show everyone Everything about you, you’re not leaving much for people to be curious about you. Trust me When I say that the more curious a woman is about you, the more attracted she will be. It will always feel like ...

10 Signs Someone Secretly Loves You - Is She Actually Falling For You?

welcome to Love gallery. Here about the 7 Signs Someone is Secretly In Love With You. which is why I’m sure you guys would also love this video about the 10 signs someone is in love with you.  Since we want you to be fully aware if she loves you, it’s also in your best interest to know The number one sign that someone doesn’t like you. Let’s start!  10. Any excuse is a good excuse. If a girl wants to see you even for the most boring things Like going to the supermarket or getting your watch fixed, she’s a keeper. Spending a lot of time together, even for the simplest reasons, can make any girl fall in love with you, fast! Take note of who is there for you in any kind of situation, even if it’s not a necessarily fun activity.  Theres a DiDonato, a social psychologist and associate professor at Loyola University Maryland, said in an article recently published on Psychology Today's website it’s important to seize chances to spend quality time together. You’ll know that she ...

5 Psychology Tricks That Work On Any Girl (Make Her Crazy for You)

Today we’re going to talk about 5 highly effective psychology tricks that work on girls. You may already know how to attract women by making your intentions completely obvious, But what if I told you that you can attract girls without them even knowing you’re doing it? Yup, it’s entirely possible to hack a girl’sbrain to make her like you more… And in this blog post, we’re going to show you how. Don’t worry though… You’re not misleading girls by using these psychological tricks. You’re just using your knowledge of the human brain to make yourself more likeable. And make sure to stick around ‘till the end #1 psychology trick that guys think work son girls, That actually makes them look like total fools. So let’s get to it, shall we? Here are the 5 most useful psychology tricks that work on girls and #1 “trick” that’s actually just plain ignorant. 5. On The Wall Before we go any further, allow me to change into something a little more… Educated. Much better. For the sake of this video, ...

15 Interesting Psychological Facts About Attraction.

One saying that we hear constantly is “beauty lies in the eyes of the be holder.” But when we think about that concept and what it really means, can we bring our selves to completely believe that it’s true? What exactly influences our decisions when it comes to choosing a partner? The intriguing world of attraction is one we all wish was easy to understand. Fortunately, as science has evolved, it has provided us with some answers to these questions. Not only can understanding attraction help us progress in our relationships, but it also helps us understand ourselves as individuals, and how we feel and process our thoughts. Attraction plays a very significant role in life, in order to keep propagating our species, and this list highlights some of the most interesting facts about attraction and its mysterious secrets. Number 1 - Different Scents Ignite Different Levels of Attraction Scientists have uncovered that smell plays a very significant role in understanding attraction. But one t...